The Old Inn, the first building on the right on arriving at Eilean Iarmain by road, was built possibly c.1820 and the stables attached were provided as a staging point for those arriving by sea to travel further on the island. Sometime during the 1800s a stagecoach service was started and there was a daily run to Broadford where it presumably connected with other routes.
There was a large entrance at the gable end to which Sir Iain Noble added an ornamental window and stone surround with the Gaelic proverb, “An àm na h-èiginn dhearbhar na càirdean” – In times of trouble friends will prove themselves. The stables were restored in 1991 and converted into individual suites in order to preserve the historic buildings and offer additional hotel accommodation. The lofts upstairs where the hay for the horses was once stored are now bedrooms – bedrooms with beautiful views over the water to the Isle Ornsay Lighthouse with the majestic hills of Knoydart creating an awesome backdrop over the Sound of Sleat.
Chaidh an t-Seann Taigh-seinnse, a’ chiad togalach air an làimh dheis, a thogail ‘s dòcha mu 1820 agus bha na stàballan ann mar àite-feitheimh dhaibhsan a thàinig air muir agus a bha airson siubhal nas fhaide air adhart tron eilean. Uaireigin anns na 1800an chaidh seirbheis coidse a thòiseachadh agus bha e a’ ruith gu làitheil dhan Àth Leathann far am biodh e comasach dha daoine ceangal ri slighean eile.
Bha doras a-steach aig ceann an togalaich ris an do chuir Sir Iain Nobail uinneag snasail, le clach timcheall air, agus an t-seanfhacal Gàidhlig seo sgrìobhte air, “An àm na h-èiginn dhearbhar na càirdean”. Chaidh na stàballan ath-nuadhachadh ann an 1991 gu bhith nan àiteachan-fuirich fa leth gus na togalaichean eachdraidheil a ghlèidheadh agus àite-fuirich a bharrachd a thabhann. Tha na lobhtaichean shuas an staidhre, far am b’ àbhaist dha feur nan each a bhith air a stòradh uaireigin, a-nis nan seòmraichean-cadail – agus seòmraichean-cadail le seallaidhean cho brèagha ‘s a ghabhas a-null gu Taigh-solais Eilean Iarmain, le beanntan mòra Chnòideirt a’ cruthachadh dealbh-chùil riochdail thar Linne Shlèite.